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4 pane mosaic of LDN1495 in Taurus including LBN782 and a few Barnards


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This ended up being a tortuous experience which i wouldn't let go.

Ultimately over (too) many evenings, this is a four pane mosaic of LDN1495 taken with my multi-scope-wide-field rig which was pulling in three times the hourly rate of data. Approx 50 hours of Lum data and 40 hours of RGB were used to tease out some details. These totalled -

L - 132x10' and 160x7' and 128x6'
R - 271x3'
G - 264x3'
B - 264x3'

This may seem excessive and it is. However i managed to not have enough data to reliably stitch the top to the bottom and had to reshoot a central strip so i guess if i had managed this first time around it would average at 15h LRGB a panel which is less excessive 😉. I normally use Pixinsight, but i just couldn't make the mosaic processing work this time and in the end used APP for stitching the raw frames together, and then moved back into PI. This was my first time using APP and what a great programme they have produced so will look deeper into this in the future.

LDN 1495 is a large dark nebula that dominates this field of view though there are other objects including LBN782 (Cederblad 30), vdb27, B7, B209, B216 and a few background galaxies hiding in there as well.

Thanks for looking.



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