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Bortle class 5 ..so where next

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Ok I have imaged the following with my Canon 80D and 200-500mm lens AZ-GTI mount in AZ mode ..... I live in Mid Shropshire .......  in this order so far.

Orion Nebula .... Andromeda Galaxy ..... Pleiades .... Bode's Galaxy ...... Flame/Horsehead ..... Beehive Cluster ..... I don't have a good view to the west.

So please any suggestions where I should try next 

Thanks .... 

Edited by shropshire lad
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  • shropshire lad changed the title to Bortle class 5 ..so where next

Nice! There's always Bracken's The Astrophotography Sky Atlas if you want to hunt for good targets. Telescopius.com will put suggestions up for a given set of search parameters.

I find that Stellarium (e.g.) is great when I know what I'm looking for, but having a premade seasonal list to work from means a lot less thrashing about.

My other tactic is to subscribe to notifications from Astrobin on photographers whose work I particularly prize (e.g. Kathy Walker, pete_xl) and just shamelessly follow what they're targeting.

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1 hour ago, rickwayne said:

Nice! There's always Bracken's The Astrophotography Sky Atlas if you want to hunt for good targets. Telescopius.com will put suggestions up for a given set of search parameters.

I find that Stellarium (e.g.) is great when I know what I'm looking for, but having a premade seasonal list to work from means a lot less thrashing about.

My other tactic is to subscribe to notifications from Astrobin on photographers whose work I particularly prize (e.g. Kathy Walker, pete_xl) and just shamelessly follow what they're targeting.

Thanks for the info.


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I was searching around for things to image next last night, and settled on the flaming star and tadpole nebulae.

No idea how difficult a target they are, they're mag 6 and 7.5 respectively, so not too dim.

Pretty high in the southern sky (if you have views south) from around 7pm - 1am according to Stellarium.

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I'm working my way around polaris atthe moment!  Just finished a session on IC 1805(heart nebula).

Then theres the Soul nebula, Elephants trunk, packman and many many more!  There are some really cool targets to the north😁 

They're also very forgiving to me as a beginner when it comes to processing. But I have a EQ6-R Pro mount, so I don't know how these targets will turn out with the (likely) short exposures you're limited to.


But they're worth a shot! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m in similar skies to you and have had very good success with the Triangulum Galaxy, the rosette nebula, the North America nebula (although that was hard to process) and the dumbbell nebula.

I only failed to get nothing at all from the iris nebula, the heart nebula and one other I can’t remember now.

I recently bought a cheap Svybony CLS filter and although it makes processing a bit harder, it definitely helps record more details, especially with nebulae.


Good luck!

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