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One day i'll be abale to post a pic of the moon without trees and cloud in it...


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Ok back to loving luna...

I'm having to approach here from the direction that I am comfortable with...so keeping my disatnce and tryign to be "creative"... one day we'll get all close an personal... especillay as i want to try usign the 1000D for capturind video... tonight was going to be that night but the weather looks like it has other ideas so I have stripped the obs...


(click to enlarge)

If only I could get the TPO lifted on those two....


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Trust me george these trees have seen more copper than the bottom of a 19th century NAvalk Frigate...

They have also had holes bored in them filled with sodium chloraet and have bee subject to soem experiments with other mixes...

Thast when they were a fraction of the size they are now they are two massive lime trees the trunk of one is over 4' in diameter and the other 3' 6" they are close to 80 foot tall and almost big enough reach the house if they came the wrong way...

Would open the sky up nicely if they did go...


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Trust me creosote will kill it, BTW you only need to make a bore hole 1'' deep this is the living sap network rest is old growth in a large tree. Ideal time todo it is in spring when sap rises quickest, make a small hole pre-spring and watch for the sap to leak, when it starts leaking (it will fairly gush out in a large tree) that's the time todo the deed :(

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