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Help on new telescope (well 3rd one)!

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Hi everyone,

So I've not bought a telescope for a very very long time. I have the etc 90 go to series which isn't very good on focusing. I also have the 10" dobsonian which is at mum's and too big to put on car and needs collimating which I have no idea how to do or where to go with it. 


So I have been looking at telescope, the Celestron nexstar 8se series but no way I can afford this. 


So a telescope that is around £1000, less if possible and at least 8" - 10". I don't like weight wants as I can't get to grips with them.

Any help appreciated, thank you 😬


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There are many online sources that will teach you how to collimate your 10” Dobsonian, it only takes a few minutes once you have practiced.

You mention an 8” SCT but that will need collimation too.

I cannot think of an 8-10” scope that is light, costs less than £1000 and does not need collimating so you may have to compromise.

Perhaps a lightweight 4” refractor ?

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A scope in 8 - 10" and less than £1k has to be a reflector or catadioptric. Both type require collimation. I believe the best solution for you is to learn about collimation from http://www.astro-baby.com/astrobaby/help/collimation-guide-newtonian-reflector/ and then get the 10" from your mum's place.

If you absolutely want to avoid collimation, your £1k will get you a nice 4" ED doublet refractor.

Edited by KP82
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