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Charity shop binoviewer purchase

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I bought a binoviewer today from a local charity shop : says made by Astro Engineering , came in a box  with pair of rubber eye cups and a single Meade super plossl 26mm eyepiece . Grand cost of £15 so I thought it was worth a punt even if not working

Anyone ever used this make.If so what are these binoviewers like ,and what would be the best strength eyepieces to look to try.

I am quite short sighted so would need something with quite long eye relief,unless I try without glasses.

Many thanks for any advice


Edited by Mark-V
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To stay cheap, you could pick up a pair of 23mm 62 degree aspheric eyepieces from ebay.  Once you pull off the rubber eye cups, there's plenty of eye relief for eyeglasses, and almost enough with them in place.  I've found they work really well from f/10 and up.  Unless you have a CAT scope, you'll probably need either a Barlow or GPC/OCS to reach focus, increasing your focal length and focal ratio in the process.  This allows the 23mm eyepieces to perform much better and at a decently high power for planetary and lunar observing.

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