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What do you image under a full moon?


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Hi everyone!

This is what I have tonight in Bortle 5 Kent. Perfect except for a (nearly) full moon! I’m imaging at f/7, 840mm focal length with a DSLR. Alas, no mono CCD/CMOS with narrowband filters just yet!

What would you do?


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Anything I can tbh, but it needs to be in the opposite part of the sky to the moon otherwise I get some really bad gradients.

I will also use the time to try out gear and look at potential objects for another night i.e. framing etc etc

Tbh we don't get enough clear nights not to try something even if the data is a bit poor..I cannot wait to get some narrow band equipment though.



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If it is DSLR and a Full Moon the best thing is to image star clusters.  You'll still get gradients but they can be dealt with in processing.

What about the double cluster? 

Failing that something as suggested on the opposite side of the sky, something in Cygnus but nebulosity will suffer with a bright Moon unless you have narrowband.

I am in NW Kent and my forecast is only clear after midnight.


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Thanks for the responses! The double cluster was something I was thinking of. Bright and far enough away from the moon I think. I’m working with fairly new gear as well, so it’s definitely an opportunity to test things out.

It’s funny how localised the weather can be isn’t it? I’m in the South East corner of Kent and it’s been clear blue sky since 9am!


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55 minutes ago, cfinn said:

It’s funny how localised the weather can be isn’t it?

Indeed, but not sure it's funny :).

Here's my place in Oxfordshire. It's been murky all day, and we've had quite a bit of fog of late too.


Mind you, I can check three different forecast sites and they all predict something a bit different, and more often than not, bearing no relation to my actual conditions! As my garden faces South with little to the North, I'm a but stumped. You could take photos of the Moon of course :wink2:.


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