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Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Uranus


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Quantity over quality.  Jupiter and Saturn - I guess around 90% of the aperture was covered by bottom of the dome opening.  Uranus - well it's a first for me.  Mars - its red with a hint of the polar ice cap.  With the exception of Uranus, these were taken using a Skyris 618C - I think this is only the second or third time I've used this camera since I bought it.  I had originally intended to spend the evening doing a timelapse of Mars, which is the reason I was using the OSC camera.  The weather didnt cooperate so I ended up with a nice selection of the planets.  My wife came in this morning from the gym to say she has just seen Venus, and I had a look at Neptune last night (but didnt image it) so it was a good haul overall!





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