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Cygnus area, 50mm Sony A57

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While the AZGTI was doing its thing with my scope on the Pacman nebula i set the star adventurer going with my A57 and an old 50mm Minolta f1.7 lens @f2.5 in the Cygnus area. 

Captured around 1hr 8mins worth of 30s subs at 800iso, captured darks and flats also.

Stacked in DSS and processed in Startools, Topaz and paint.net

I think i have captured a few objects in this frame.

Thanks for looking






Edited by Bobby1970
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I was hoping for some more sharpness in general tbh. It's come out ok don't get me wrong. The lens is a well regarded 50mmlens but I'm sure I read something years back about it being sharper from f4 upwards. But forgot when I captured this image. Lol. 

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