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QHY5III462C Any Good?


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I have been absent from the Stargazers Lounge for a few years and I've just taken delivery of this camera in readiness to resume my astro imaging hobby.  I have purchased a used Skywatcher 200p on a motorised Eq5 mount along with an astro eq and a few bits and bobs.  I also own an unmoded canon 1100d which I'll eventually use for some dso imaging. This kit is similar to what I had a few years ago.  I'm looking forward to trying out this new camera as both an imaging camera and an autoguider.  it sounds rather good.  So I'm wondering if anyone has one of these and I would love to see any images you have captured with it?


Clear Skies



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12 minutes ago, Astropedro said:

I have been absent from the Stargazers Lounge for a few years and I've just taken delivery of this camera in readiness to resume my astro imaging hobby.  I have purchased a used Skywatcher 200p on a motorised Eq5 mount along with an astro eq and a few bits and bobs.  I also own an unmoded canon 1100d which I'll eventually use for some dso imaging. This kit is similar to what I had a few years ago.  I'm looking forward to trying out this new camera as both an imaging camera and an autoguider.  it sounds rather good.  So I'm wondering if anyone has one of these and I would love to see any images you have captured with it?


Clear Skies



I think it's the same sensor as the zwo 462mc. I don't think you can go too far wrong with it, very good camera. 



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