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ASIair Pro problem

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I've recently obtained the EQ R-6-Pro 6 and the ASIair Pro now to start guided photography. I've only recently started astrophotography but all my stuff so far has been unguided. However, I have a bit of a problem with my ASIair Pro - the problem is me, NOT the ASI! (Probably getting past my sell-buy date.)

Couple of questions:

1. Can polar alignment be undertaken using a DSLR (D600) on ASI air pro or should I continue using my polar scope (EQ R-6-pro)?

2 The 'home position' is off by around 10° when set via the ASI - I have seen this brought up on another forum for the EQ6-R-Pro and HEQ5. It seems that the workaround, according to ZWO, is to undertake one star alignment before switching on the software. I haven't tried this yet. I then assume that one carries on with the ASI app, Guiding, etc, or should I carry on using handset for object finding?

I haven't tried the following but I believe the easiest way for me to use the ASI is to polar alignment normally with the polar scope, do one or 2 star alignment via the handset, switch on the software and carry on from there.

I must admit that getting this thing working was not as easy as the manual/videos suggest -  at least for me.

Any help or advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you for reading.

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18 minutes ago, GrampyG said:

I've recently obtained the EQ R-6-Pro 6 and the ASIair Pro now to start guided photography. I've only recently started astrophotography but all my stuff so far has been unguided. However, I have a bit of a problem with my ASIair Pro - the problem is me, NOT the ASI! (Probably getting past my sell-buy date.)

Couple of questions:

1. Can polar alignment be undertaken using a DSLR (D600) on ASI air pro or should I continue using my polar scope (EQ R-6-pro)?

2 The 'home position' is off by around 10° when set via the ASI - I have seen this brought up on another forum for the EQ6-R-Pro and HEQ5. It seems that the workaround, according to ZWO, is to undertake one star alignment before switching on the software. I haven't tried this yet. I then assume that one carries on with the ASI app, Guiding, etc, or should I carry on using handset for object finding?

I haven't tried the following but I believe the easiest way for me to use the ASI is to polar alignment normally with the polar scope, do one or 2 star alignment via the handset, switch on the software and carry on from there.

I must admit that getting this thing working was not as easy as the manual/videos suggest -  at least for me.

Any help or advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you for reading.

I believe you can use some DSLR's, (check with ZWO or instructions) for both polar align and image capture.

Its interesting you say about the home position after polar aligning as i have also found this with my AZGti. I dont use any alignment routine in the mount, i simply use ASIAir to "goto" an object and then platesolve it. 

Hope this helps, tbh i am still finding my way with it a little. 



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Tried plate solving as suggested as follows:

1. Used my 'home position', sent it to Arcturus (slightly off view), started to plate solve (200+ stars) -- failed.

2. Used ASIair 'home position, sent to Arcturus (again not in direct view but not far off, plate solve again failed.

3. Went through the same processes with Vega - failed. Fails after a large number of seconds in 'solving'

Telescope was polar aligned before starting. Camera (D600 gave 10 sec exposure). In all cases 200+ to 300+ stars found. Whether the star has to be in the field I don't know - if this is the case then manual alignment is going to be quicker, at least for me. Certainly Arcturus and Vega were not in the scopes  field, just slightly off

Am I missing something that is so obvious (not unusual with me - too old)? Any ideas? I am getting absolutely nowhere with the ASI. I did note, however, that others had a similar problem with their mounts and home positions - according to ZWO they suggested 2 star alignment BEFORE switching on the ASI app. I think I am going to be left with setting the scope up as I have been via 2 star alignment and carrying on from there. Alignment has always been perfect even after one star. I've had good tracking and exposures up to 90+ seconds.

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Purchased ASIAIR recently and using 60Da connected via USB, started aimed roughly at Polaris up north selected PA it plate solved pretty well instantly then slewed off 60 degrees ? possibly can't remember, plate solved again slewed to named star which centred using the PA app, got below 1 arc  minute and smiley face with a bit of twiddling.

All seemed to work as advertised so didn't really take a lot of notice of exact procedure,  have to say it's the fastest  plate solving I've seen.


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Thank you all for your replies.

Woke up at 3am thinking what I had done. Think I've found out but not saying - yet - since it may be soooo stupid. 🙄🙄🙄

I'll let you know when I try again

Thank you all


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Hi GrampyG hope you have sorted your problems out, here is the addy for the zwo website, loads of info available, the forums are useful. I believe there is an asiair Facebook page as well, although I haven't used it personally. 


If you are using a Dslr you will probably find that the focusing part of the app does not work. You can get round this by using a focusing mask and zooming in on the star in preview mode. 

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1 hour ago, GrampyG said:

Hi Dom

Just waiting to try it out again when weather improves. Pretty sure I know what was wrong but I will only admit it under duress🤒

Not the old "leaving the scope cap on" ????



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 Nah, Dom, never done that yet. 

I did spend sometime wondering why nothing could be seen on the camera one night - didn't wind out the focuser!!

OK, keep this a secret but I'll tell you - in confidence - what I think I did. At 3am I woke up and suddenly realised that I had the data in the Asiair wrong. I had the telescope focal length set to 630mm, not around 250 for the Redcat . For plate solving it has to be accurate. Doh!  Ssshhh 😳😳😳😳


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Yes, it was the wrong setting for the scope focal length. All worked fine last night.

Only a rough test but my FITS files appear grey scale in DSS. I think others have had the same problem. But it wasn't a full test.

If I find this is the case then I'll simply use the ASI for guiding .

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  • 4 months later...

Hi all has anyone had any issues since updating to the latest firmware? Mine is royally broken. I set it to home then PA then I used to use go to function then plate solve however this no longer appears to be an option? Also the go to just has a mind of its own? M31 didn’t take it there so did it again and got it in field but then pick another target skews off in opposite direction? Started again PA then set  ack to home position and it slewed 90 degrees past the home! I can’t figure it out other than the update has broken it? Any advice will be appreciated 


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6 minutes ago, Simon Pepper said:

Hi all has anyone had any issues since updating to the latest firmware? Mine is royally broken. I set it to home then PA then I used to use go to function then plate solve however this no longer appears to be an option? Also the go to just has a mind of its own? M31 didn’t take it there so did it again and got it in field but then pick another target skews off in opposite direction? Started again PA then set  ack to home position and it slewed 90 degrees past the home! I can’t figure it out other than the update has broken it? Any advice will be appreciated 


Did you make a backup of the original SD card  to your computer ?


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Just now, Simon Pepper said:

Thankfully I did but wanted to check if others have had any odd experiences? 

Updated mine recently and it all seems ok, just using it this evening, autofocus works really well.


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