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Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in L_HaRGB

Laurin Dave

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The Cave Nebula and surrounding area imaged over the last week through my Esprit100/SX46 and GT71/ASI1600.  2hrs Lum and 4.5hrs each RGB on the Esprit100 and 8hrs Ha on the GT71. Processed in Pixinsight, APP and Photoshop. Many versions produced and blended together for the final (for now) version, Ha very lightly applied to the Red channel and the Blue tugged and teased with PS Curves to highlight the many reflection nebulae.

From Wiki…. Sh2-155 (also designated Caldwell 9, Sharpless 155 or S155) is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Cepheus, within a larger nebula complex containing emission, reflection, and dark nebulosity. It is widely known as the Cave Nebula, though that name was applied earlier to Ced 201, a different nebula in Cepheus. Sh2-155 is an ionized H II region with ongoing star formation activity, at an estimated distance of 2400 light-years from Earth.

Sh2-155[4] was first noted as a galactic emission nebula in 1959 in the extended second edition of the Sharpless catalogue, being a part of the much larger Cep OB3 Association.

Sh2-155 lies at the edge of the Cepheus B cloud (part of the Cepheus molecular cloud), and is ionized by young stars from the Cep OB3 association. It has been suggested that radiation from the hot O-type star HD 217086 is compressing the region, triggering the formation of a new generation of stars. A study of the region's young stellar objects by the Chandra X-ray Observatory and Spitzer Space Telescope shows a progression of stellar ages in front of the cloud, supporting the hypothesis of triggered star-formation,

Thanks for looking c and c welcome





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8 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

Very nice Dave, looks great in RGB.  And the control on the stars 🙏

Thank you Adam...  it most certainly does,  I have some data for SHO but maybe not enough as its so faint, also it will miss the best bits - the reflection nebulae.  Star control.. courtesy of Pixinsight masked stretch and a little reduction in PS


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42 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Lovely. This is a great object.

C and C? I'd say the greens have been pulled down a tad too far, causing the blues to turn slightly magenta. But as for the rest, spot on to my eye.


Thanks Olly, much appreciated...  On reflection you are right!  I shall sort when we get back from a little expedition  the Eriba.


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