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Last targets from Wednesday - galaxies NGC 7479, 7814 and 7578


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Finally finished processing images from Wednesday (2020 09 09), and a few more galaxies.

All taken with the C11, G11, 0.63 FR, ASI174MM mini.

Skies deteriorating, so some frames in the runs were rejected from registration.

NGC 7479 - The 'Superman' galaxy - 11x20s exposures.


NGC 7814 - sometimes call the 'little sombrero'- lovely dark lane down the middle of this galaxy. 3 x 20s exposures


NGC 7578 - also known as ARP 170, and Hickson 94 - fascinating cluster of galaxies. Only 4 x 20s exposures





Edited by callump
saved accidentally
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Morning folks,

Just had to visit NGC 7479.


 I enjoyed seeing the unusually long bar, and pleased to pick up starburst activity in the extended western arm (right hand side), as well as hints in the bar. Research papers suggest the extended western arm is due to a dwarf galaxy being gobbled up (300 million years ago) on the eastern side, resulting in the asymmetry of the galaxy. Also the western arm has a high neutral hydrogen content which is being used to fuel the starburst activity. Interestingly so the bar has drawn into itself the surrounding neutral hydrogen so there is a hydrogen hole extending out from the nucleus equivalent to the radius of the bar. A dust lane extend the length of the bar - again just got hints of it. New to me is that a barred galaxy with two asymmetric arms, beginning at the bar ends is known as a Magellanic Type Barred  Galaxy.


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