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My first telescope

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I've been wanting a telescope for quite some time now and I have looked up and learned quite a bit about them, but I still don't know/can't decide which telescope would be best for me.

I would like to be able to start with astrophotography, so I would like to be able to see deep space objects, but my budget is max 400€, which I know is quite low for a hobby that some people like to call a hole for money, but I would like to get started somewhere.

I've seen a lot of people recommend dobs but I'm unshure about getting one since I'm not very knowlegable about them.

currently I'm looking at the "Omegon telescope N 150/750 EQ-4", but I'm unshure on it since its a brand that isn't well known, but im trying to look at european retail locations, so the shipping and tax don't give me an extra 200€ bill.

Any opinion on the Omegon telescope or any other recommendation for my first telescope is highly apreactiated. :)

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Have a read here: 


Only post that mentions the Omegon telescope you mention, don't know about the costs of what they eventually went with, but after deliberation, they didn't choose the Omegon (and they weren't keep on a Dob as their firrst scope either).

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If you're wanting to take photos with a DSLR-camera, you will need a large, electronic go-to EQ mount, and a small telescope; lots and lots of euros.

If you want to use a "smartphone", or a small point-and-shoot camera, you can take photos through the eyepiece, with a larger telescope, then to share them with family and friends on social-media sites, like Facebook, or Twitter, et al.  Such would be limited to the brighter and brightest objects in the sky, that you can barely or easily see with the eye only, yet impressive in their own rights.

But if you're wanting to take bright, colourful and sharp photos of objects in the sky that you cannot see at all with the eye only, again, lots and lots of euros.

Omegon has been around for a while.  At most, I'd say that they're at a slightly less level of quality compared to the well-known brands.  However, I wouldn't put it past Omegon's parent-company to place a spherical primary-mirror within an f/5 tube, and as Synta has done for "Celestron" in the past.

This is a "Dobsonian"...


You motion it left to right, up and down, and across the sky.  Although, it's not good for astro-photography.

Here's the kit you've considered... https://www.astroshop.eu/telescopes/omegon-telescope-n-150-750-eq-4/p,22465

You don't need a large telescope for astro-photography... https://www.astroshop.eu/telescopes/skywatcher-telescope-n-130-650-explorer-130pds-ota/p,25455

...the smaller the better.

But you would need an EQ-3 or EQ-5, a go-to variant preferably, for success; yet again, lots and lots of money.

In that this will be your first telescope, yet with an earnest desire to take photographs, I would suggest this kit...


...or this new-fashioned one... https://www.astroshop.eu/telescopes/skywatcher-telescope-n-130-650-explorer-130ps-az-eq-avant/p,56248

Over time, you can get some better-quality eyepieces, and take good pictures through them.

Edited by Alan64
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I would suggest a Skywatcher as they usually have M42 threaded photo adaptors as standard on their focusers.Theres one smart looking telescope/mount setup at a very reasonable price that made me think to myself 'I wish I had that when I started out'.

Its the skywatcher 130P AZ Pronto Newtonian,its a altaz mount with a tripod and manual slow motion controls it also has a extention tube for extra height. The trouble with small dobs is that they can get a bit too low.

The Pronto is a shade under £200 which is, what, about 250 euro.

This I think would make a great beginners telescope that could be upgreaded onto a EQ mount at a later date after a year or two of honing you obsevation skills.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dive into the used market for a goto set.   If you keep your eyes open, you will find a 6” newton on a goto for your budget. A cheap dslr (eos1000d?) and you can experiment with ap and visual.   Im sure you can find an ok set with dslr for € 400/450,-

i often see a Meade 6” newton on a goto mount coming for sale around 350,-    

resell will give you the same amount in return, so experimenting in the end for free🤩

Edited by Robindonne
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I picked up a 200P Skywatcher OTA used for £145 and an EQ5 Pro Goto used for £350.

The telescope is a bit big for the mount to do AP, but is fine for visual.

I've seen Skywatcher 130PDS OTA going from about £100 used, and that would work well I think with the EQ Pro Goto.

So you could maybe get both for around £450 or less?

A lot of people use the 130PDS and EQ5 goto for AP.

Edit: actually people even use the EQ3 pro with the 130PDS - even cheaper!

There is even  a Facebook group for people who use this setup: https://www.facebook.com/groups/130pdsastroimagers


Edited by Jm1973
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