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Pixinsight Workflow For Dummies

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With some (LOL) difficulty guided by Light Vortex and other tutorials (Warren Keller, Harry’s Astroshed, Mastering Pixinsight etc), I’ve managed to successfully pre-process mono LRGB data for M101 in Pixinsight + combine the RGB channels. 

Not surprisingly, I’m now confused as to how to proceed and would be grateful if anyone could share a basic / essential minimum workflow from this point on how to arrive at a final LRGB image i.e. PixInsight for dummies!  I’m presuming that the work now moves on to separate non-linear processing of the RGB and L images before combining into a LRGB image + further final processing?   

Whilst the aforementioned tutorials are very useful, the ‘big picture’ route from here is far from clear, or at least it is to me.  I can continue to learn the necessary  processes required using the aforementioned tutorials but need a clear / unambiguous roadmap, without too many ifs, buts or technical embellishments - hopefully.


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PI workflows seem to be very personal things and when I first started four years ago with PI I found it all very confusing knowing what order to apply processes/scripts, etc. Using LV and "Jim's PixInsight Cribsheet" Rev.33, I eventually evolved my own method of working that suits me and gives me the sort of results I find pleasing. There are aspects of using PI I find too difficult/tedious and so I always end up jumping ship and resorting to PS for finishing touches. I have to say I've also migrated to APP for image calibration, registration and integration but that's another story!

If the link above doesn't work just type in Jim's PixInsight Cribsheet into Google and a link will come up in the listing. It downloads as a Word docx document - I can supply as a pdf if that helps.


P.S. Apologies if you've already seen this document.

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I agree with Adreneline here. I quite often use APP for the calibration/registration/stacking parts of a process it removes (for me) any ampglow far better than PI. I also have evoled my own take on Jim's crib sheet

Good luck it can and does get a bit frustrating in PI especially the calibration darks have to be same time/temperature.

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Thanks everyone. 

It's not that the said books/ tutorials don't show workflows but I find there are some critical (obvious) directions that are not clear to me.  Anyhow Jim's cribsheet looks like it could be helpful.  My approach in learning PI has been to try to mostly follow Light Vortex but it's not apparent to me where to go after RGB combination etc. with the said RGB and L images.

After many days of work I've completed the pre-processing PI section, which though (I think) has been successfull, in the long run I'm thinking of using APP instead, as the PI method is, to say the least, ridiculously complex!  It's from there or coming out of APP I'm uncertain of the next step(s) and wanted to clarify before embarking on the next inevitable mamoth task in PI! 🤞


Edited by groberts
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