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Mars, Jupiter And Saturn 16August


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24 minutes ago, wornish said:

Feedback from someone is is still learning this planetary stuff. - Wow!


What gear did you use?  :  scope, camera, frames and post processing.


I am still struggling to get the focussing right :(

Hey buddy! Than we are in the same boat! I struggle with the focus too.

I use a Skywatcher SkyMax 180pro and I have a 1.6X agenda barlow and a ZWO Asi 174mm with ZWO filters and filterwheel. I also have a motorized focuser and a heq5 Pro mount. 

I use autostakkert 2, registax 6 and Photoshop. My framerate was  not high, I don't have USB 3 on my laptop.

My next upgrade will be PC and than a guide scope with cam.

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