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Dark Nebulae

Ken Mitchell

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I'm in love with dark nebulae!


A couple of dark nebula targets I did the past week.

If someone has advice/recommendations on other dark nebula targets suited for a 72mm apo + dslr please let me know.




Imaging set up:

TS72mmf6 apo +ff

Nikon d610(stock)

Guiding set up:

TS50mm guidescope + zwo asi120mcs


Skywatcher Star Adventurer


The snake Nebula Complex in Ophiuchus (07/29/2020)

total of 30 minutes with 240sec subs



Barnard's E dark Nebula in Aquila (07/29/2020)

total of 120 minutes with 240sec subs



Dark Nebula in Vulpecula (08/04/2020)

total of 280 minutes with 180sec subs






Edited by Ken Mitchell
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35 minutes ago, Victor Boesen said:

Beautiful images! I could imagine you have pretty dark skies at your area?


Not sure if bortle 4 is considered as dark skies? But I can't complain I guess, as it's pretty easy to see the Milky Way from my backyard.


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32 minutes ago, HunterHarling said:

Those are great images, I love the size and color of the stars!

Is your DSLR modified with a cooler? It's too hot here to image with my DSLR in the summer ;)

Thanks a lot.

Nope, no mods done on the d610. Summer nights are fairly 'cold' here, 70ºF at night atm  🙂


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14 minutes ago, Ken Mitchell said:


Not sure if bortle 4 is considered as dark skies? But I can't complain I guess, as it's pretty easy to see the Milky Way from my backyard.


I consider it as dark;) I live under bortle 7/8 skies but occasionally visit my grandparents who live in a bortle 4 location. I love being there and I always try to bring as much astronomy gear as I can!

Would love to go to a bortle 1/2 class location one day though, since the darkest I've ever been to was probably a bortle 3/4..

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4 hours ago, MarkAR said:

Lovely images, these are great examples.


Did a new target yesterday, located just at the left from the last image.

Unfortunately I had to remove 1.5hr of subs due to startrails. Not sure what caused this. Guiding and PA was good. I'm thinking it has something to do with balancing as it happened before when the mount was in the same position. Have to look into that.



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