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The moon (again) before the clouds


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Just a quick shot of the moon this evening. Not the best shot as it was still daylight and so have edited it on my phone. However what I find more amazing it discovering facts about the moon that I didn't know before... 

Check out second and third photo with high-lighted crator. To put the moon in some kind of context, that crator alone is 114km across and 4.7km deep 😁 its called, 'maurolycus'.

Taken with:

Huawei p20
18mm BST lens
ISO 80
Shutter 1/500
Edited on phone




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3 minutes ago, AstroMuni said:

Lovely pics and considering they are taken on a phone, even more so 🙂


Thanks so much. They were taken early evening as well when it was still light outside... So was quite pleased as you can see below 



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