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First light Atik490 Sadr region with crescent


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Hi all

its been a while...

My trusty Atik 460 has been away for repairs for a couple of months now! 
I found an Atik 490 on ukabs with a blemished sensor, I took a punt, it was very shiny but was in need of a new cooling fan due to the old one being very noisy so I researched fan replacements and found a suitable device! 
once fitted, the camera now runs beautifully! 
Then all I needed was clear skies?! 
they have been very rare, as usual, in the summer in the northwest. I have been grabbing a couple of hours here and there for the past month. 
It’s 2 hours worth of 5 min ha And 55 min 5min Oiii Of the Sadr region including the crescent nebula with a Samyang 135mm lens 

Thanks for looking 



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2 hours ago, barkis said:

Terrific piece of work Bryan.  you put the time in on this, and with perseverance and and a quality lens, 
produced a very fine result.  Well done sir 👍.

Thanks Ron 

I would like to extend and get the whole of the Cygnus area with all its delights but it would require the weather to play ball!!



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