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Canon lens 75-300 lens advice

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The EF lens should fit on the XT no problem.

Be aware that the field of view (image width) at 300 mm on the sensor will be about 4 degrees wide while the moon is only 1/2 degree wide. The moon will look a little lost in the image.

Zooming the image will reveal that the lens is not really great at that extreme 300 mm and the image will not be crisp. I have used this lens on the moon with a 3 Ti canon and not been impressed with the result.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally think that it can still be good to take shots of the Moon, you can just crop the image down and stack some of the images to get a sharper detail.

It can be good for taking sunrises, moonrises, sunsets, moonsets.

Edited by WilliamAstro
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  • 2 weeks later...

I used this lens to take pictures of the Comet NEOWISE without a tracker.  8 second exposures seemed to be the best (single image attached).  It's an all around good lens, IMHO.  There are definitely better lenses out there, but for what is essentially a kit lens, it does well.




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