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Neowise yesssss

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Spent 30 mins sat looking out of North facing front bedroom using Stellarium android looking for the comet.


At 10,20 it was still too light, but around 10,30ish i spotted Capella... 

Looked to the left and up a bit...not very tech lol.... then i found Neowise with my 10x50 bins...WOW... 

It was in and out of the light cloud  cover, but when the cloud cleared i could judt make it out naked eye..

My parther was in the other bedroom...i ran in like a kid on crimbo morning .

She got up and came for a look.... WzoW! I can see it she said!


So so glad id bought the binos...🙂🙂🙂😄


I looked out the rear bedroom and theres jupiter!! 

Edited by Pybo
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6 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

I found it last night with binoculars I could see it by eye last week.

Has it dimmed at all strange I could clearly see it last week but last night had to use binoculars.

Its dimmed noticeably over a couple of nights i think. Its getting higher in the sky too. Last night (sunday 19th July) i could just make it with naked eye, but ive now got a pretty good idea where to look via Stellarium.  

Ive mounted my bins on a tripod now and can sit with the window open and just take in the view...wonderful indeed! 


Im absolutely amazed how much ive seen already with my 10x50s.. the area around Sagittarius is astounding!

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7 hours ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

Binoculars are a great tool for astronomy , that often get overlooked . 

They are my first step back into astronomy....and what a massive difference they've made!

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1 hour ago, Pybo said:

They are my first step back into astronomy....and what a massive difference they've made!

I was using them (10x50) for years before I got a bigger scope. It does help you get used to the sky and with a tripod you can find more than you might think - especially if you can get to dark skies. They are so portable too. No cooling worries.

Try M13 (the great Hercules Cluster), M31 (Andromeda), the Double Cluster in Perseus, M44 (the Beehive cluster), M42 (Orion Nebula) (the last 2 aren't visible at this time of year) The moon, of course. You will be able to see the moons of Jupiter, too.

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Thanks!! Upto now ive found M11 M22 

Lagoon and Triffid... had a look at Perseus...WOW! 

Moons of jupiter..can just make out shape of Saturns rings.

M31 is on my bucket list 😊... ive taken some images with my Nikon D3 on a tripod...my first AP but dont know how to upload?

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