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Celestron Evo or SE?

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I'm sure this question would be have been asked before, but I struggled to find anything quickly and thought opinions and circumstances change over time so wanted to try and get up to date advice.

essentially, I’m looking to upgrade my telescope based on some issues with my Nexstar 127 SLT. It still works but long story short, I think it’s time to upgrade.

Now I already have the WiFi adapter (sky portal) and the lithium ion power tank with my SLT.

now my question is do I go for the 8se or the 6 evolution? Now I know people will say ‘go for the 8 evolution’ but I just think the extra price is just too much for me to spend, it’s the best part of £2000 and over £700 more than the 8SE, and with a wife and two little kids, there’s arguably more things I could spend that money on. 

My thoughts have constantly changed, I initially was all 8 SE, then read a couple of reviews about the 8SE being slightly maxed out on the tripod and can be a little wobbly. I haven’t seen one to know how bad this is. I also called a telescope shop and they said they don’t really sell any SE’s anymore and that the evolution was a much higher seller, so that planted a little seed of doubt in my mind also. So I then decided on the evolution 6, due to the upgraded mount able to take the weight better, thinking it might last longer and with the inclusive accessories, but as I said I already have the battery tank and WiFi adapter, albeit not inclusive in the mount - which isn’t a huge deal.

in terms of aperture, the 8SE is obviously going to be better but I know that’s not always everything. I’m just concerned about the mount, but not sure if that’s justified or just read too much into other people’s reviews. I know every telescope has some degree of wobble under magnification.

My plan is to keep this inside fully assembled, then carry it outside when I want to use (that’s what I do with my SLT at the moment, I carry it by the tripod). I want something that’s easy to move and can keep setup indoors, which I think both of these achieve this to be fair.

I just wondered if anyone out there has maybe owed both or used both and could give an opinion. I must admit I don’t like going second hand and wouldn’t consider it with spending this much money.

hopefully this provides enough information, thank you for everyone taking the time to read this and reply.



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My 2p's worth. As an owner of the Edge 8HD Evolution I wouldn't want to be carrying it set up. Mine came with Starsense so All I do is turn it on and use the app to connect and align. It really is a lovely bit of kit.

Haven't used a 6 but am blown away by the views of the 8. You need sunglasses for the moon!

Yes, it wobbles while focusing but it is 2100mm FL so I guess that is to be expected. Battery lasts for a couple of nights easy and the tripod feels nice and sturdy. I thought about the 6 but then after reading tons realised I would always be thinking about the 8 whilst using it so...

Could you not sell the battery tank and WiFi adapter to get you closer?

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i believe (though happy to be corrected if wrong) that the optics on the evolution 8 and 8 SE are exactly the same, i believe its the same OTA just different colour - so its good to hear your happy with your views.

the scope doesn't have to be carried fully set up, its just what i do now with the SLT - which i think is a much smaller / lighter mount - which is part of my problem. its so hard to get any idea on size from web images.

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Based on my cpc800 (weight wise). I don't think you want to take it in one peice (if you can even lift the thing in the first place). If its anything like the cpc it spilts into 2 and has 3 finger screw to tighten underneath, and assemble take a minute max.

Also there is possibly a spirit level bubble on the mount which you might need to level the scope. My goto has one, I don't know if its the same for the star sense?


In regards to height, the legs are adjustable. depending how tall you are expect the mount to be hips or slightly above kind of level.

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Check the tripods.  I think the SE and Evolution models have the same tripod, while the CPC800 definitely has a more heavy duty tripod. I have seen the  C8 SE and Evolution set up side by side in a showroom.  The Evolution is evidently a better quality mount, going by the price, spec and reviews.

As for portability, it is not difficult to keep the C8 SE fully assembled and carry it through a standard doorway, so I guess the same applies to the C8 Evolution.

It's really a matter of how much you feel comfortable spending, and whether you want the bigger scope or a smaller more manageable one.

To accurately level the tripod with the provided bubble level, you need to have the mount off. How accurately you need to level the tripod in practice is a matter of judgement. (with my Starsense equipped SE I don't bother). All these scopes/mounts can be rapidly detached from their tripods.

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Agree with Cosmic Geoff.

I have the NexStar 8se, I don't know about Evo 6 HD

Yes it is wobbly if the tripod legs are fully extended, but I have mine almost unextended.

You can carry it fully setup, but only for small distances on a flat surface.

I do mine in three steps, setup and level tripod, attach mount then OTA, which takes no more than five minutes.

Edited by Mick H
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Apparently the EVO 8” has an updated tripod that is more stable than the 8SE. Think it’s the same legs but new top and spreader.

The EVO 9.25 has a completely different tripod.

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11 hours ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

Check the tripods.  I think the SE and Evolution models have the same tripod, while the CPC800 definitely has a more heavy duty tripod.

The cpc is heavy duty as its the same mount for the 8, 9.25 and 11" (or it was, at the time when i brought it). I don't know if the same applies for other celestron models.

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As a footnote to the above, the C9.25 Evolution has, I believe, the same heavy duty tripod as the CPC800.

The CPC series are extremely stable and have very little backlash in the gearing but the mount/fork/OTA assemblies are very heavy.

The C8 SE OTA is apparently meant to be kept as a unit with the mount head.  It is easy enough to detatch it, but in the absence of any handle to give you a grip on the fat OTA it is Not A Good Idea  to mount or de-mount it over concrete. It is easy to carry the mount head/OTA assembly, and it will stand on its flat base.

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127 SLT has been “converted” to be an equatorial mount using a homemade wedge and the HC can be firmware updated to allow for this - if you are brave enough.

6SE and 8SE have the same mount and there is a smaller mount for 4SE and 5SE. If it bothers you, you can see the internals of the SE mount and Evolution mounts by looking at the forums.

Settle time on SE is probably longer than the Evolution and the latter has clutches as well as obvious internals like battery and WiFi.

If you are in the market for an SCT then the same OTA are sold as C6 SLT, SE or Evolution or as XLT with only the colour of the OTA being different and the position of the dovetail being on LHS, underneath or on RHS. This creates a market for Dealers who break up kits and sell OTA separately e.g. Grovers do this with 6 SLT for folks who want to put it on an equatorial mount - where the dovetail is makes no difference and the OTA will turn over as you pass thru’ the meridian anyway.

The Sky At Night Magazine did a review of the C6 SLT commenting that it was a cheap way of getting the Celestron OTA. Even cheaper without the mount. One disadvantage of the Alt/Az SE and Evolution mounts is that they can’t be repurposed to carry a refractor or Newtonian. Shape of SLT does allow this?

One comment was about the SLT tripod being too short to use without extending it but too flimsy with it extended, so one area where cost was clawed back perhaps?

I wouldn’t write off the C6 as being inferior to C8 as they are simply different and each has followers. Some users would see the C6 as quite desirable. FL is a very reasonable 1500mm.

So lots to think about?


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Thanks for all the advice. I’m definitely leaning to the 8 SE rather than the 6 evolution. I’m trying to find somewhere that has them viewable so I can get an idea of size etc. Might need to wait a little while for post lockdown shops to start opening again.

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18 minutes ago, Andy38416 said:

Thanks for all the advice. I’m definitely leaning to the 8 SE rather than the 6 evolution. I’m trying to find somewhere that has them viewable so I can get an idea of size etc. Might need to wait a little while for post lockdown shops to start opening again.

I could message you some actual dimensions if that helps.

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I’m awaiting a reply from Altair Astro and Wex, but I believe Wex only have one or two telescopes on display when I last went there.

the widescreen centre around Ely said they have a 6 and 8 inch on display - they must be the Evo as they said they have the 9.25 also, but I’m sure it will be more or less the same size as an SE, it’s just to get an idea after all. however their showroom is closed to members of the public for now during all things covid and at present they don’t have a date to reopen.

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1 hour ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

I could message you some actual dimensions if that helps.

Thanks for the offer Geoff, but I think that will be a faff for you and probably will be hard to visualise, but I genuinely appreciate the offer 🙂

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In my observing group one has an 8 Edge Evo and one has the standard 8 Evo, the Edge tripod is a better version than the other one but I'm not sure if both models now ship with the same better quality tripods. Not to bad to pick up and move but it depends on the situation. The Evo mount is a far better proposition than the SE, better quality gearing and reduced backlash plus the internal battery and wifi capabilities. I think it worth saving a bit extra for the 8 Evo as this will give you a better scope and mount with the only compromise being you had to wait a little longer!

As for mounting a refractor the Evo mount handles my SW 80 Equinox and my 80mm Vixen F7 with ease, longer scopes like F9 SW or Taks might be an issue though never tried it.

Bear in mind if you get an Evo with SSA package you will only have the SSA HC and that does not include some of the functionality you get with the standard nexstar + HC, so if I was buying I would get the standard Evo 8 and if you want SSA nab it at a later date when funds allow. Auto 2 star on the Evo works just as well as SSA in any case. 

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16 hours ago, Andy38416 said:

I’m trying to find somewhere that has them viewable so I can get an idea of size etc.

Andy, I live in Wroxham (6 miles from Norwich) so if you wish to view my NexStar 8se, just let me know.

Altair Astro's shop is in Aylsham not Norwich, and they are mainly online.

If you are wanting to buy new then these are at least more than £100 cheaper than elsewhere.

https://www.firstlightoptics.com/se-series/celestron-nexstar-8se.html or


As you already have the SkyPortal WiFi module and lithium ion power tank, I do not see the point of buying the EVO 8.


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By complete chance, Celestron’s Facebook page posted this photo today of someone’s own collection. Featured in this photo: the 9.25" EdgeHD optical tube on a Celestron CGEM mount, the NexStar 8SE, and the NexStar 90SLT.

therefore the 90SLT won’t be too much smaller than my 127SLT, so it’s given me a good size comparison, to be fair there isn’t much in it. Though the 9.25 on that mount is a beast.


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