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FF/FR Backfocus help

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well good news, replacement ff/fr arrived from FLO last week (thanks to Grant at FLO), and just taken some test images and at first glance very much better! 

Going to spend an hour and half or so getting a few images and see what the result looks like and see whether or not any minor adjustments to the spacing is needed. 

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Here's my result from last night (M13, stack of 20 each of R,G&B, no calibration frames and a very quick processing while camera cooling).

I probably should have taken images of the same object as last time, but had an urge to get a few images of M13, but it's clear that it's a vast improvement over the faulty flattener, and looks to be an improvement compared with no flattener. 

Potentially some room for some very slight adjustments to the back focus though? 


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33 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

Great improvement! I'd give it a bash as it is and see how you get on. If you do feel the urge to tinker its best to do it around a full moon as opposed to a darker night.

Good idea. I could now do with some clear skies on the weekends. Can't wait until the nights draw in earlier again

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