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noisy pelican

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Hi everyone

Tropical rain-forest conditions in Alicante last night with the humid easterlies ensuring no one without ac slept and no one with a telescope got a decent image. As owls gave way to gulls, I saw to my horror that the mount hadn't parked. There's always something to investigate...

So with the self pity and excuse section out of the way, here's the image taken with an eos700d at ISO800. It's an uneven -ugly- patch of sky. I found that if you denoise, you lose the patchiness, so I used StarTools' gentlest of gentle post tracking modules to keep at least a bit of detail. Oh, and those awful foreground stars!

Anyway, thanks for looking and do post your images of the same. I learn a lot from comparison.


Edited by alacant
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As we've just been taking about bright stars are you tempted to do what was mentioned on here or is there not enough separation from the interesting stuff from the stars?

I like the tonal range of the image


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