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Jupiter, Saturn, Mars in Infrared.

Cosmic Geoff

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Following my effort of 22 June, being unable to lift anything heavy, I set up my lighter weight telescope in a different position from the previous night to get some images of Mars.  This was the first serious use of my EQ-5 with Synscan upgrade.  I set up the gear and left it tracking the assumed GoTo position of Jupiter for a couple of hours.  At 2am, Jupiter was not within the 25mm eyepiece field.  Not so impressive.

I repeated the imaging of Jupiter and Saturn, and also took images with the ZWO infrared filter.  While slewing back to Jupiter, now apparently past the meridian, the mount did a meridian flip and ended up pointing at a street lamp. I was not impressed. ☹️

Eventually Mars emerged from behind an adjacent building, and I took  images in IR, visual, and visual with a x2 Barlow lens.

Equipment: 127mm Maksutov 1500mm fl, ASI224MC camera, ADC, x2 Skywatcher Barlow,  best 20% of 5000 frames (visual), processed in Registax6. EQ-5 Pro Synscan mount.

Key: Monochrome images were taken in infrared. Larger Mars image with Barlow.   Mars was jigging about in the poor seeing by nearly its diameter (11").  Note: the hottest moon (Io, to left of planet) seems slightly brighter in the IR images.   I think the 127mm Mak punches through poor seeing better than larger apertures.









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Very nice images.

Makes me feel a bit better with my recent attempts with Mars. Not nearly as good as yours, but similar with the polar cap and its shape.

That had me scratching my head at its shape, but it too is like your image.

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