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Cheap tat or unbranded celestron pros...... We will see


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Hi guys, 


I saw these through amazon which look and sound like celestron skymaster pros especially with the images provided. 


And thought it might be worth a punt at under £40 and through amazon marketplace so I should be able to return them fairly easily if needed. As the price is a bit too good to be true they probably are cheap tat, but hoping they might be made in the same factory or something as the SkyMaster pros will see. 

They should arrive in a little over a months time hopefully and I will report back then. 


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I hope this is not a case of "if it seems to good to be true, it probably is" but even a budget half decent pair of 20x80's is usually £120 or so :icon_scratch:

If they turn out to be decent then they are an absolute bargain :smiley:


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10 minutes ago, Tenor Viol said:

I see that the 'branding' infers a 'German' heritage but delivery is 6 - 8 weeks... would indicate shipping from somewhere slightly further east...

Yea sounds like a German company but business address is somewhere in China. 


3 minutes ago, John said:

I hope this is not a case of "if it seems to good to be true, it probably is" but even a budget half decent pair of 20x80's is usually £120 or so :icon_scratch:

If they turn out to be decent then they are an absolute bargain :smiley:


🤞I will have a bargain but I won't hold my breath 😂

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The sellers details.


Detailedt Seller Information

Business Name:LiuZhouShiKaiFuJinShuCaiLiaoYouXianGongSi

Business Type:private

Trade Register Number:91450203MA5L6N5F57

Business Address:








Edited by johninderby
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