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NEQ6R mount questions

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I am the proud owner of a new to me NEQ6R mount. This mount has been given to me as the previous owner has said it may need a rebuild, which I am entirely happy with. Previous owner said that it was not tracking accurately enough for their needs.

It has been Rowan belt modded. I have connected it to power via an AC to DC 12 v 5amp 60w supply in the house. Flick the switch and solid red power light.
First thing, the V3 handset appears to be dead. I have an EQ5 with V5 handset and I swapped the handsets and the V5 powers up and works fine, so I presume the old handset has died???? Without jumping to conclusions is this reasonable? as I have noticed that the V3 has a power socket in it’s base unlike the V5.

I had one night clear skies to test the mount but once outside I found the azimuth dead stop bolt was missing from the tripod head ahhhh! The mount has only ever been used on a pier I suspect. I was unable to polar align and the weather has been cloudy since.

I have made a dead stop bolt so that problem solved but the second question is polar scope illumination. Because my experience is EQ5 based I have used the little plug in battery illuminator but the NEQ6R appears to have a built in illuminator. 
I can see it, like a little lolly pop stick when looking down the RA hole, but mine does not light up. I assume it should illuminate when the power is turned on? Is there a separate control for this I am missing, or is it just not working.

I have no problem doing any work that is needed. Replacing anything that needs replacing. I will probably go down the EQMOD route and not get a replacement handset, but use a laptop instead.

Any answers to the V3 handset question and polar scope illuminator question would be most welcome.


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1 minute ago, Jiggy 67 said:

The handset controls illumination. Go to the utilities menu and look for polar scope illumination

Thank you very much. I looked on line for Skywatcher user guides but they appear to be as good on the web as they are in printed form out of the box. Thanks for the info.


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11 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

The v3 handset can be powered independently of the mount using the socket on the base of the handset. You can check if the handset works by powering it from a 12v psu.

I powered it up separately from the mount via the power port in the base, using the same power supply for the mount, 12v max5amp but it was still dead.
Had me looking for a secret on off switch, picture me throwing it in the bin only to find out a week later it needed switching on.


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42 minutes ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

Thank you very much. I looked on line for Skywatcher user guides but they appear to be as good on the web as they are in printed form out of the box. Thanks for the info.


Yeh, Sky-Watcher are not known for their manuals, have you ever tried fitting the EQ5 upgrade to GoTo kit using their instructions only? An almost impossible task!!

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