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More Moon Photos 31.05.20


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Attach photos of the moon I took last night with my Canon 6D digital SLR, and using eyepiece projection with a 15mm Plossl through my 14 in Reflector, which are the best that I have taken so far. I found that using a 15mm, rather than the 12.4 mm Plossl I usually use for planets, gave a sharper result. 

Although not comparing in quality to images others have posted, all the attached images were single JPEG shots, on which I have spent a few minutes (not several hours), enhancing and sharpening in Adobe Lightroom, before reducing the file sizes (to about 0.5 Megabytes) to post on SGL.

I did also take some 30 second movies which came out quite well, and from which I was hoping I could stack the frames to produce a single enhanced image using RegiStax, unfortunately however I discovered that the MOV format files produced by the Canon camera are not compatible with RegiStax


Alpine Valley and Plato.jpg

Appenines and Copernicus.jpg

Clavius (2).jpg

Straight Wall.jpg

Edited by johnturley
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You've got some very nice shots there John; you should be well pleased.

I learnt a long time ago that it's not worth comparing your results to others. I just try to improve little by little and as long as I'm pleased with what I've achieved then I'm happy. 

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Finally after 2 days I found a means of converting the MOV format videos files produced by my Canon 6D into a format so that I could use RegiStax, thanks to those who made suggestions, after unsuccessfully trying a couple of options, I emailed 'contact us' on RegiStax.

The person who replied informed me that RegiStax was designed to be used with dedicated astro cameras, not digital SLR's, moreover doubted whether my SLR would be able to record images fast enough (>15 FPS) and if the image dimensions are below the maximum that RegiStax can handle (3000x2000 is the maximum format). (my Canon 6D actually records 25 FPS in a 1920 x 1080 format). However he did suggest trying PIPP which was available for free download, and which, unlike some of the other programmes suggested, I was able to download, and found it not too complicated to use. This programme actually coverts MOV files to MOV_pipp format which RegiStax was able to utilise. 

I found a YouTube video on processing lunar images with RegiStax, plus found it to be reasonably user friendly unlike some other programmes, so here are the results below, which I think are a big improvement on my original photos, although with being in bmp format, they cannot be viewed directly.  I'm also hoping that it will also work ok with planetary imaging, which I'm planning to do with the recent upcoming oppositions of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.


Alpine Valley and Plato Processed.bmp Appenines and Copernicus Processed.bmp Clavius Processed.bmp Straight Wall Processed 2.bmp

Edited by johnturley
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