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Star trail reflections

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I thought that I'd take the opportunity of a clear warm night and head up to the fishing lake, hoping for a bit of peace and quiet. 

So armed with just a camera, tripod and an audiobook, off I went. I got accosted by the local fishermen asking if I had a permit. "I'm not fishing, I have a camera and tripod"... "Well what are you going to do with that"?. Errrr "take some pictures"!

The sky deteriorated over the course of the hour I was there, as you can see in the image. But the bright star to the right is Altair (along with the relfection). Top left is Cygnus and in the lower left is Delphinus - and if you look closely its reflection in the water too :) 

Lots of hot pixels, for some reason the dark frame subtraction didn't work. But I'm not letting that bother me, the years of chasing perfection, worrying about every "wrong thing", and getting annoyed.

I like this image, I enjoyed sitting in the dark for an hour looking at the stars, listening to the adventures of Ishmael Wang. That's what counts :) Saw a couple of rather nice meteors too!


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