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Locations in Worcestershire

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Hi all

im quite new to the scene. 
I have a fairly small north west facing garden which I’m finding is not ideal. 
I’m using a skywatcher 8” dob

sny advice on what would be good to view or even a local site to Worcester I can drive out too ?

any advice is hugely appreciated 

thanks all

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You need somewhere free of light pollution, unobstructed views with car parking and yet few people at night.

I left the area 30 years ago, but I recall the top of Clee Hill (26 miles from Worcester) met that criteria. Malvern is higher (highest point if you travel due East until you get to the Ural mountains), but doesn't have the same quality of road access. It's no coincidence that the NATs Radar used for flight tracking run along the spine of Clee Hill. 

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On 17/05/2020 at 02:07, Bribrum said:

Hi all

im quite new to the scene. 
I have a fairly small north west facing garden which I’m finding is not ideal. 
I’m using a skywatcher 8” dob

sny advice on what would be good to view or even a local site to Worcester I can drive out too ?

any advice is hugely appreciated 

thanks all

You sound to be in a very similar position as myself - you're not next door, are you? 😆

I'm relatively new myself but am in a Bortle 5 area on the outskirts of town. Have a look at this: https://www.handprint.com/ASTRO/bortle.html

Then you can have a look at areas using this: https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/#zoom=4&lat=5759860&lon=1619364&layers=B0FFFFFTFFFFFFFFF

There's plenty of Bortle 4 areas around. Clee Hill is a great suggestion, I might consider that myself later on into the year. 

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Thanks pal. We can not be too far apart. I’m in Fernhill heath. Those links are very helpful. Woken by the dog at 3am today and was able to see both Saturn and Jupiter from the front garden. Need to get my scope on them both ASAP. I’m looking to drive out  somewhere very soon to view them whilst they are available 

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3 hours ago, Bribrum said:

Thanks pal. We can not be too far apart. I’m in Fernhill heath. Those links are very helpful. Woken by the dog at 3am today and was able to see both Saturn and Jupiter from the front garden. Need to get my scope on them both ASAP. I’m looking to drive out  somewhere very soon to view them whilst they are available 

Hi, I’m in Fernhill Heath too and I’m also finding that light pollution seems to be getting worse. So much so that I’m considering EAA to be able to see more from my back garden!

In terms of local dark sites, I’ve spoken to one of the local farmland owners in the area who owns a couple of decent looking locations to observe from. Once lockdown is over I’d like to try one of theses locations out and will report back. It’s in the area between Porters Mill and Hadley.

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That sounds great and I think I know where about the farm would be. You’ll have to keep us informed. 
Thanks pal. We can not be too far apart. I’m in Fernhill heath. Those links are very helpful. Woken by the dog at 3am today and was able to see both Saturn and Jupiter from the front garden. Need to get my scope on them both ASAP. I’m looking to drive out  somewhere very soon to view them whilst they are available 

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