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My first Date with Luna...


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As one of my Astro New Years resolutions I "vowed" to try and learn to love Luna rather than hate her...

To that end I decided to have a go at imaging her tonight using various tools at my disposal... First I used a 1000D on the Megrez 72 (without the FFIII I normally use for DSO's) I used a 2" Push-Fit T adaptor and found that I had to add a couple of short T exensions to be able to achieve focus... I tried foucusing visually through the viewfinder , with local Live view to the LCD magnified.. and Remote Liveview to the Laptop again magnified... I couldn't believe how turbulent the image was...I suppose i'll have to get used to waiting for still conditons before trying any hi-res imaging

I also tried the SPC900 on the 8" at PF (f10) but that just made me feel queasy.. I tried capturing a few sequences and had my first go at using registrax... I better read the primers I think...

Anyway heres my first Luna of the new Era... Boosted the color a bit via additional layers ...

... this image was taken using a cheapo x2 T-thread TC in the image train...


(click to enlarge)

Billy....Passing through...

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well the way I look at shes there more than she aint and if you cant beat her... It also takes no time at all to do a PF shot on the 72... so might as well build up a collection... Especially as all you need is a quick solar system EQ North align on the moon....

It's all brought about by being embarresed when i got an e-mail asking if i could provide any luna images for a welsh "studio" to use... and I had to say I dont take Lunar images...they didnt want to change their name from "Moon Studios" to "DSO Studios" although i did suggets it :)



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up until now the guys and girls of this section have only had to put up wth my inane (or should thaht be insane) post on special occasions and then its usually been a widefield DSLR shot...dont know if they will cope with "Billy Does Luna".... reminds me of a film i once saw.....

The bad news is if i can start to get my head round using a webcam and more importantly Registrax on Luna i might satrt planetry imagign as well as tahst somethign else that I have neglected to date having been drawn to the bright lights of Wide field Nebula.......like a moth to a flame....or a cockroach to a festering food scrap....


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Need to get the SCT collimation sorted first... Moving it back and fore to the obs with the Megrez72 and Counterweight system fitted doesn't do wonders for maintaining collimation... I'm not normally bothered by it as the 8" was only used as a guidescope for the Widefield DSO imaging through the Megrez72...but if i am going to have a proper go at this Moon and Planetry malarkey it needs sorting...


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