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First of all welcome from Land Down Under

Be very hard to image the ISS

Download the APP ISS Detector, and you can set up the APP to notify you when the ISS is flying overhead

What you are seeing, is the sun reflecting off the solar panels of the ISS

We observe it all the time, and where I am, depending on the reflection, can be part of the sky above us, and then vanishes

Where I am, when passing above the ranges to the west of us, takes 2 - 3 minutes from horizon to horizon

It looks likes the lights on a high altitude plane you see at night time flying over, except the ISS is travelling lot faster

The ISS takes about 90 minutes to do an entire orbit of the earth

Hope have been of assistance



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8 minutes ago, John said:

He has already done it:

He certainly has ! Looks like he doesn't need help from us.

But I'd say as fast an exposure as gives a reasonably bright image.

3X Barlow will either improve or ruin your resolution, you'd have to try.


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Another good resource is https://transit-finder.com/ as it will show you when the ISS will transit the moon and the sun. This way you can be sure that you're pointing at the exact point where it will be so you can set up and point to the right location and tune your focus.

I'm seeing a transit for me on the 28th so of course it will probably be cloudy....  but if not I'll stick the camera on my 8se  and see what I can capture.

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