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how to load avi files or jpegs to registax6

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I have tried to load a short clip of the moon onto registax6 but it keeps saying file does not exist when i know it does. this is the same with every file i try to load into registax. It is probably something very easy but i am new to registax and a novice with computers please help?

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When I finally got registax to accept my iPhone video after converting it with a avi converter program it now lets me load but I still see no images on the registax page. What am I doing wrong? I'm pretty new with computer stuff and astrophotography so I'm in need of help please. 

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23 minutes ago, garyfletcher77 said:

When I finally got registax to accept my iPhone video after converting it with a avi converter program it now lets me load but I still see no images on the registax page. What am I doing wrong? I'm pretty new with computer stuff and astrophotography so I'm in need of help please. 

Can you upload the file through dropbox ? Someone might be able to see a problem.

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I have managed to convert my iPhone vids to avi through pipp then open the avi in autostakkert do all the data points and analysis but that's as far as I seem to be able to get. I'm not sure how to save the file or process it after because most of the time autostakkert keeps freezing Angie not responding. Can anyone tell me what it should be doing. Thanks

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I use AS3! for all my solar processing....

1. Open your AVI file

2. Set Image Stabilization to surface

3. Quality Estimator to Local

4. Press the Analyse tab

After the frames have been analysed and the quality graph comes up...

5. Set the box(es) under stack options - each box is independent and can provide up to 4 different images from 4 different settings. Start with setting  best "50%" (on the second row. 0% in the other boxes.

5. Go to the frame view screen... set alignment points - size to 48 and click "place AP grid" The image should now show a maze of grid lines...

6. Press "Stack" tab and wait until it shows "Done" in the bottom bar.

7. The resulting image should be saved in the same folder as the AVI, in a sub-folder "AS_P50" (the P50 changes if you select other # of frames to stack)

Hope that helps...



Edited by Merlin66
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