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Hypercentric lens.


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Is this true or just a video prank. If true, could there be any value for it's use in astronomy?

Well I did some looking up and it does appear possible to see the sides of an object obscured by another object.

Edmund's Optics sells hypercentric lens. Wonder if it could work being attached to a telescope?

Is it similar to the gravitational lensing effect?

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Light from the edge of that HUGE lens is being focused to the center and into view. Try seeing it from the far domino, If the far domino can see the lens from behind the front close domino then this "trick" works. This effect would not be seen with a small lens.

Its like driving behind a truck and you cannot see what is in front...so you move to the side to take a peek.  You are just acting like the HUGE lens.

The telescope would have to be very large...Extremely large ;) 

Edited by Star101
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I watched this the other day and he does explain that you can't use it for infinity focus. Kind of makes sense, you'd need a lens infinitely big to have the same effect on something infinitely far away.


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