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ZWOasi290MC Sensor cleaning.

Chris M48

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I was aghast to find my ZWO camera had collected a few nasty specks on its sensor thus ruining several image sessions. It was with great trepidation that I decided to attempt to remove them.

Having needing to do this occasionally in the past with my DSLR’s I decided to have a go.

I of course, first cleaned the glass protective cover and all lenses and filters in the train and tested, before accessing the sensor itself.

I used a cleaning swab with minimal fluid. In fact, making sure of removing any excess moisture on the already cleaned glass. Do not rub the sensor but use the lightest touch.

I’m glad to say all was well with excellent results. Not for the faint hearted though.

Clear skies, stay safe.

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I have that camera too and when I went to try some solar photos a couple of weeks ago I rather carelessly unscrewed the nose piece .... only when it came off did I realise I had unscrewed the front off the camera .. and must even have touched the sensor as there was a long streak on the first photo I tried. Spent the next hour removing the front, gently cleaning the sensor, (and the protective cover) screwing it back together, taking a photo ... loads of new dust spots ... try again ... and again ... and again.

Sigh. What fun that was. Not perfect even now, but good enough!


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Paul: The fluid I used was Baader Optical Wonder.

Gordon: Horror story but you seem to have got away with it.

BTW, I did give it a good blow with my puffer.

He who dares doesn’t always win.

good luck all. Stay safe.

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My ZWO cameras have a glass plate glued over the actual sensor.  Then there's the screw-on camera front.  I have only removed the camera front and then cleaned the glass cover of the sensor.  Are you saying you have removed the sensor cover glass, exposing the sensor itself and its myriad fine gold wires?

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No, sorry, Gina - I meant the glass cover that forms part of the camera front, which I also managed to get dirty, held in place and away from the sensor by a rubber grommet. I guess that normally provides a fairly sealed dust free  zone over the sensor (unless you remove it ...)   When I say the sensor, if that has glass directly on it, then that glass was what I had clean the streak off, and then dust spots - many times. Need a better blower and brush. So not too terrible.


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