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The Bootes double stars - colours

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So tonight's target chosen from 'Turn Left at Orion' - The Bootes double stars

again a first for me.

will the different star colours be clearly visible with my Dobsonian 200p?  Or would I need filters? 

The book states 'High power' so would this be my 8mm EP

thanks in advance

Edited by Nick Sargeant
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Hi Nick,

These coloured doubles will be easily seen in your Dob, no filters required.  

Your 8mm will be fine for these targets, (x150 in your 200p/F6). Have a look with your other eyepieces as well, and see which you prefer.

I had a good view of Izar recently at x140 in my 200p/F5 so your 8mm should split it if the seeing is good.

In poor seeing you may not get a clean split, but will still be able to see that it is a double with yellow & blue components.

How much colour you see depends on your eyes. I can see colours with both but much more vividly in my right eye than my left.


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1 hour ago, lenscap said:

Hi Nick,

These coloured doubles will be easily seen in your Dob, no filters required.  

Your 8mm will be fine for these targets, (x150 in your 200p/F6). Have a look with your other eyepieces as well, and see which you prefer.

I had a good view of Izar recently at x140 in my 200p/F5 so your 8mm should split it if the seeing is good.

In poor seeing you may not get a clean split, but will still be able to see that it is a double with yellow & blue components.

How much colour you see depends on your eyes. I can see colours with both but much more vividly in my right eye than my left.


Interesting about your eyes.

I have realised over time that I am VERY left eye dominant. Everything from colour, sharpness, position at the eyepiece and head stability are much better in my left eye.

I have tried to persevere with practicing my right eye viewing but it is just no good and very uncomfortable.

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I split Izar last night at 97x with my 100mm refractor. The split was more pronounced at higher magnifications of course. The differing colours of the two stars became more apparent as I increased the magnification as well.


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