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Remote shutter problem with Canon DSLR


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I've been using an old (but very reliable) laptop to run everything up until now, with windows 2000. I bought a new laptop so the house PC rarely gets used now. Thus I put it outside in my shed so it cuts down on setting up time with the leads etc.

Anyway I've installed most of the programs on it that I normally use to run the telescope/camera gear outside, but for some reason the shutter programs won't work.

I've tried using DSLR control and DSLR shutter, but neither are working.

DSLR control seems to work in reverse, in that when I press cancel it fires the shutter and when I press start it cancels the shutter. DSLR shutter does not work at all. Both of these were working fine on the laptop a few days ago. The PC has Vista but I'd have thought that wouldn't really matter, I'd be tempted to put XP on it but I don't think I have the licence for it, so it looks like I'm stuck with Vista.

Any suggestions? I'm gonna try a serial shutter cable that I have, but parallel is handier as my serial port is being used by the mount, and there are loads of USB things already plugged into it. I've got a few serial-USB adapters I bought of Astronomiser,but I'd like the parallel port to work for handiness. Are there any specific settings that need to be changed in the port configuration?

There is a saying - if it ain't broken and all that, but the PC is so much more modern than the old laptop I have been using, plus it has a 120GB hard drive. The laptop has 3.5GB hard drive free and when recording AVIs of the Moon/Planets it doesn't take much to fill it!

So to summerise - how do I get the shutter programs to work :)

Thanks in advance


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Just a thought as I have fallen for this one more than once in the past.

The camera is set on manual and set to the bulb setting also timer selected.

I use DSLR Shutter and get the same sort of problems until I remember that the last time I used my camera I took flats without setting the controls back for imaging.

Just a thought don't shout.


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I've tried and it is working 100% on serial lead (lucky I had both handy), must be dodging parallel port settings.

Anyway I had enough of Vista and just formatted the PC and am in the process of installing XP again. I hate Vista (sometimes)

Thanks for everyones 'elp!


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I've tried and it is working 100% on serial lead (lucky I had both handy), must be dodging parallel port settings.

Anyway I had enough of Vista and just formatted the PC and am in the process of installing XP again. I hate Vista (sometimes)

Thanks for everyones 'elp!


Adam, Sorry just caught the comment about the serial lead.


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