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Yes another observing session

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I was going to have a night off but could not resist another session.

There are two objects in Canes Venatici that I have not seen before so I started with this constellation. Yesterday there was a fantastic image posted on M94 so this was the first object I observed. I then star hopped over to NGC 4244 a fantastic edge on galaxy. Then NGC 4151 (first time), which although brightish, was small. My next target was NGC 4395 - this caused me a problem. It's really  faint. In the end I check out its exact location using Stellarium but still could not see anything.

Being frustrated missing this galaxy I returned to some old friends NGC 4631 and NGC 4656. These galaxies took me back to a wonderful observing night at a SGL star party.

To end the night I return to VIrgo starting at Vindemiatrix. I took in these galaxies NGC 4608, 4596,4567, 4568, 4564, M58, 4638, M59 and M60. Star hopping in this area is really helped by using an 80mm finderscope and a detailed star atlas like Interstellarum.

But before I finished I made a final attempt on the SN. Again started at Zaniah and viewing M61 on the way I arrived at NGC 4273, 4281 and 4270. I used several EPs and I thought I could see something around NGC 4277 but not 100% certain. Anyway another reasonable night.


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Glad you got a good session in Mark, sounds like it was most rewarding.
I did go out and watch the Starlinks being deployed, but was so tired from work stress that I did no more.
The sofa last night had my name written upon it.

I was due to go to the CPAC weekly meeting online, but the laptop decided it needed 2 hours of windows updates at the wrong moment!

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Great report Mark. I’ve had 4 serious attempts at the supernova without success. Last night I didn’t look at anything else! The two brighter galaxies form a triangle with a triangle pattern of stars. I was seeing this quite clearly with the 6mm BGO in the 10” dob but just couldn’t get the SN. A couple from maybe moments but that’s it. My skies at home in the direction of Virgo were reading 19.5-19.6 on the SQM so a fair bit off dark site skies. Lots of experimenting with eyepieces and the Baader VIP Barlow. Despite the lack of success it’s been very engaging and enjoyable. 

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