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Bored in lockdown and some spare wood!


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Bored in lockdown and found some odd bits of wood lyinging around, also found some old rubble sacks. 

I see it's a nice clear night this evening but quite windy and I have a pesky street light that's just been switched to led in the distance.

Along with a wind breaker I made this today :) see how it holds up! 


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Nice idea. Hope it's not going to catch too much wind later.

Just thinking if it's worth cutting holes or slots into it, it'll reduce the wind force from trying to blow it down and reduce the wind on you set up.

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8 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

Nice idea. Hope it's not going to catch too much wind later.

Just thinking if it's worth cutting holes or slots into it, it'll reduce the wind force from trying to blow it down and reduce the wind on you set up.

Good shout mark! I've got it up now with a wind breaker and seems to be holding up. Its 25mph winds here atm and meant to be 10-14 later.


Going to see what else I can do with regards to your ideas. 

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I'll give it five minutes before your "time portal" flattens somebody or something! 😱

The nearer a screen is to the light the smaller it has to be. Perspective is your friend.
The smallest object would be a bullet but is rather frowned upon in some neighbourhoods.

A little experimentation, at night, would go a long way toward establishing non-lethal, minimum screen sizes.

That fence is crying out for a single, detachable post [say 2x2?] with a minimum sized screen attached.
One which can be easily lowered when not required.

Sailors are apt to enjoy a pulley system and mast.
With a rise and fall screen but you are definitely on your own there. 

I'd be thinking of a light frame with black, open weave, cloth screen. Wire coat hanger fodder?
A knitted screen perhaps? Or shade netting in a suitable number of layers to achieve nocturnal bliss?

Two or three, long, galvanised bolts through the fence crossbars should hold a suitable post.
With galvanized nuts and washers for speedy elevation and later dismantling.
The screen could be stored flat on the fence in a tasteful horizontal mode.

Modern lamp heads are very unlikely to be suitable for super-magnet-ic screen attachment.
Otherwise a much smaller and lighter screen might have been attached directly at short notice.
A suitably tall, telescopic attachment pole can be obtained for ladder free, window cleaner's use.

I do not recommend you try to envelope the entire light head with a spare, bin bag.
It might lead to unwarranted accusations of frippery from concerned citizens.

When I were a lad... the council would shield street lights from the bedroom windows of sensitive souls.
Alas, they were distinctly "uncooperative" when asked if they would shield my lawn. Grr? ;)

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1 hour ago, Rusted said:

I'll give it five minutes before your "time portal" flattens somebody or something! 😱

The nearer a screen is to the light the smaller it has to be. Perspective is your friend.
The smallest object would be a bullet but is rather frowned upon in some neighbourhoods.

A little experimentation, at night, would go a long way toward establishing non-lethal, minimum screen sizes.

That fence is crying out for a single, detachable post [say 2x2?] with a minimum sized screen attached.
One which can be easily lowered when not required.

Sailors are apt to enjoy a pulley system and mast.
With a rise and fall screen but you are definitely on your own there. 

I'd be thinking of a light frame with black, open weave, cloth screen. Wire coat hanger fodder?
A knitted screen perhaps? Or shade netting in a suitable number of layers to achieve nocturnal bliss?

Two or three, long, galvanised bolts through the fence crossbars should hold a suitable post.
With galvanized nuts and washers for speedy elevation and later dismantling.
The screen could be stored flat on the fence in a tasteful horizontal mode.

Modern lamp heads are very unlikely to be suitable for super-magnet-ic screen attachment.
Otherwise a much smaller and lighter screen might have been attached directly at short notice.
A suitably tall, telescopic attachment pole can be obtained for ladder free, window cleaner's use.

I do not recommend you try to envelope the entire light head with a spare, bin bag.
It might lead to unwarranted accusations of frippery from concerned citizens.

When I were a lad... the council would shield street lights from the bedroom windows of sensitive souls.
Alas, they were distinctly "uncooperative" when asked if they would shield my lawn. Grr? ;)

Thanks for the info...

I'm waiting for a email back from the council to put a shield on it.


This was on a temp measure as they go off st 1am anyways and I was bored and had spare wood.


Def dont want to attach anything to the fence as I share with a good neighbour. 


When lockdown is over I'm going to make a solid unit with some pipe and bend etc.


Stay safe 

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