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Two Planetary Nebulae for longer FL.


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Hello there, hope all are safe and well.

Clear .....   and a SuperMoon ...!!..oh  never mind..   

Those small faint fuzzy galaxies are tough in RGB, so I turned to the internet and found a couple of unusual and overlooked narrowband objects that are sitting there at nice altitudes.

Abell 39 and the Headphone nebula ( Jones-Emberson 1 PK 164+31.1)

937822602_Action-RGBcolor.thumb.jpg.8e4e669a6a958ad485b691112a658040.jpg  1144300280_Ha-OIIIBiColorImage2.jpg.63358af02e4bf45c8348a4193529c31f.jpg


Edge 8HD with Atik414ex mono on EQ6.      2032 mm Focal length (🙄)  Guided by PHd2.

Abell 39 is in Hercules.   This is a R.G.O3 image with 25x30s on the R.G  and 25x3 mins on the O3... although it does show up visually in the blue subs.

The Headphone Nebula is in Lynx.  Quite 'big'  this is only slightly cropped.   This is an Ha-O3 shot.... 15x3mins Ha,  25x3mins O3.

Enjoy the clear skies.



Edited by Craney
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Well done Sean those are both very good results and testament also to just how good the Edge optics are... even toying with the idea of getting one myself.

On axis guiding is another option...  assuming you were Off Axis Guiding are you using the Atik OAG or Celestron's own?



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3 hours ago, mikeyscope said:

Well done Sean those are both very good results and testament also to just how good the Edge optics are... even toying with the idea of getting one myself.

On axis guiding is another option...  assuming you were Off Axis Guiding are you using the Atik OAG or Celestron's own?



Thanks Mike.

Yes the Edge has been a dream scope for a couple of years.  It can perform well at F10, F20, F7 , (I think an F4 is in the wings)   and F2....   thats quite a lot for a compact lightweight OTA.

One came up on SGL a while back and I could not resist.  Drove  nearly 400 miles  round trip to pick it up.  Didn't fancy the postal service booting it around the depot.

Re: Guiding.  No I haven't got into OAG yet... on the 'to-do' list.   I have a twin Losmandy bar with a Bresser 100mm F4.6 refractor and  ASI ZWO120mm as a guider.  Works Ok for my level of output at the moment.  This arrangement allows for some wide-field as well without de-rigging.




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Hi Sean

Thanks for input, sorry for delay in reply.

So i'm assuming the mirror locks on the edge do a pretty good job of avoiding mirror flop, if so approx. how long a exposure might you get before your stars become egg shaped at F10.

I would only be needing 5min max. ....but 3mins (give or take 1min) would be adequate unguided.


Your input appreciated!



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Hi Mike,

Yes, the mirror locks seem to work fine.  I tend to do one or two targets in one night and  try to keep them close to each other so that there is minimal slewing which I read somewhere leads to the annoying shift in focus.  I have not noticed any appreciable 'flop'.  Surprising that tightening the locks doesn't  alter the focus fine focus on the Bahtinov mask.... I do it very slowly and equally on each thread.

The Atik 414 is quite a small chip and is very vulnerable to the slightest of movement in the system.  When everything is calm and working, I can get good 5 min subs.

I think the real problem is the mount.   Over an hour's worth of imaging... 60x1m say, with Phd2 guiding, the image tends to walk across the screen by a fraction, not randomly either.

hmmm???  something to ponder during these warmer nights.




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Have a look under  "Sharpless""  and "Abell"  objects.    These are weird and wonderful little gems that are scattered all over the heavens and not confined to one particular season.

A lot of them are Narrowband.  A good way to check is to look on Astrobin and see what people have managed to get with modest gear ... and how long it took them.

There is a beauty of an object in Cassiopeia,     HFG1 (PK 136+05)   but I think the guy took a total of 38 hours to get it !!!!!.... err.... I'm not quite there yet.

This is a good little resource...




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