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Cracking seeing tonight - lunar pics 6th April 2020

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Yet another clear night, and first impressions weren’t great when I checked out the Bailly crater after Paul’s heads up; seeing was decidedly wobbly.

After dinner however, the Moon moved over the gap in between our house and the neighbour’s, and things improved a lot. I’ve just packed in, somewhat reluctantly but I have an energetic 6 year old to look after tomorrow so need my wits about me!

I was using the trusty Tak again, it really has been a workhorse for the last couple of weeks, solar in the daytime, lunar and Venus mainly at night. I used my Leica Zoom tonight, barlowing the socks off it with an AP Barcon with two extension tubes which I believe gives a factor of x4. That would mean x166 to x332 magnification range which seemed about right. Towards the end it was taking the top end with no problems.

I particularly enjoyed Bailly, Ricciolli and Babbage craters, but there was plenty to see. Rimae Darwin and Rimae Sirsilis were very clear, and fun to trace their full extent. Once again I tracked where I was using the MoonGlobeHD app which I find very good.

EDIT Whilst I think I saw Babbage, I identified it incorrectly and the one I was mainly enjoying was Pythagoras.

So, after all that rambling, the pictures. Hand held at the eyepiece using ProCam 7 and a bit of cropping and editing in PS Express. Enjoy.




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It was a fine Moon. I got the big gun out and spent about an hour on the Moon. Even connected my camera to the scope for the first time. Not downloaded them yet but looked OK on the camera screen.

i spent some time looking at Bailey not for any other reason than it looked impressive. Those mountains right on the terminator were astounding high power. Junior had a real good look to. She even got the hang of focusing for herself.

An excellent evening considering I wouldn't usually bother getting the scope out so near full Moon!

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I think I’ve got these right now. Got myself muddled with orientation because I had my eyepiece at an angle and then had my Moon app set incorrectly. Have just highlighted the craters which caught my eye most.

Ricciolli in particular was nice as it started off largely in darkness and over the course of a few hours the crater floor became illuminated with central peaks brightly lit. Nice!







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5 minutes ago, lunator said:

Hi Stu, great pics. seeing was pretty good last night. 

Thanks for highlighting the crater names. I am still learning them :)



Tee hee Ian, with a name like Lunator surely you know them all? 🤣🤣

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I just looked at my images of the Moon from last night. Not as rough as I thought, no planning involved. Focused through the viewfinder on my 1200D and er...just pressed the shutter release, no delay timer. Next time I set up with APT.

Anyway, Bailey was a nice sight but I was mesmerised by the mountains both on the terminator and just forward of there. Here is a crop of one of my attempts:


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