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1000D not working


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My Canon 1000D has stopped working. Boo Hoo! I only use it for daytime casual pics but I miss it. 

The screen lights up OK and I can scroll through the menus. I've reset camera settings to default in the appropriate part of the menu but, in any mode, it refuses to take a picture. I get a flashing light on the lower right in the viewfinder and some rather random looking numbers counting down on the main screen. (1/60,1/30, etc.)

Any suggestions?



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5 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

have you set a countdown ??   & check battery

I'm charging a spare battery now so as to try that. It does resemble waiting for a countdown, somewhat, but the restoration to default should have dismissed that, no?


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Mrs Gomus suggested I try the lens focus ring and the AF switch. I'm not sure which of these did the trick but one of them did. I gave both a bit of physical exercise and we're now back in business.

Many thanks for your helpful suggestions.


Edit: Further fiddling has shown the problem to be a slightly sticky focus ring on the stock lens. It still won't shoot, occasionally, but a twist of the ring this way and that frees it up and off it goes again.

Edited by ollypenrice
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