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Galaxy hunting tonight.

Ciaran Meier

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Out with the 8" OOUK newt. Observing from Belfast so sky quality quite poor though at least cloud free. 

Had a go at tracking down a few of the brighter galaxies in Leo.  It's a bit of a challenge as I'm actually aiming the scope up into an almost starless sky. 

M105, 9.4 mag.  Used 52 Leo as the anchor star and hopped down.  NGC3384, 9.9 mag wavered into view within the same FOV.  Down slightly for M96, 9.3 mag.  

Over to the Triplet, Spotted M65, 9.3 mag and M66,  9.0 mag.  No luck with NGC3628 at 9.8 mag. 

Up over the sickle for NGC2903 at 9.0 mag. 

Finished with a peak at the M81/M82 set. 

Used only the 25mm Vixen EP as further magnification completely washed out the image.  Not much to report detail wise, all fairly nondescript smudges to be honest.  But, really enjoyed the session,  "mindfullness"  I believe it's now known as. 

All the best folks. 





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Nice one Ciaran. Not easy getting galaxies from light polluted sites so you did well, particularly with not many stars to hop from! Perhaps when things improve you can get somewhere a little darker?

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