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Can't leave M42 alone.

alan potts

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As I have two cameras I must try and use them. This shot is taken with the Zwo071, of course a OSC. Still having a slight spacing issue, or tilt, with this camera that I don't see on the 183MC, maybe because of the small chip. This Messier 42 is 15 x 4 minutes lights, all frames used with Darks, all at minus 5 on a reduced APO to 635mm, this give a reasonable FOV.  There are no Flats, I should take time to do them but I am always changing camera position and indeed camera.

I spent 3 hours last night on Thor's Helmet only to find I missed the target and cut it in half with the 183mc, back to the drawing board.


Hope you like it, I thought is was fairly well detailed for only 1 hour, with this rendition holding the core back was almost impossible, at least with my skill level.


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I actually re-processed this for saturation only before I posted. I often feel people spoil an image with too much in your face colour, but struggle to stop myself doing the exact same. So I am very pleased you picked up on my efforts and thank-you for saying.


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