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Twins in Gemini


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Now that open clusters are around, thought I'd give double stars a rest. I started with the beautiful M35 and then to the superior M37- two of my favourite open clusters but they didn't seem to be doing it for me. I decided to try for some Gemini doubles and I was so glad I did. There are some beauties there. I loved Wasat, and as I moved across to look for the Eskimo Nebular, I stumbled on the exquisite HIP 35909- the next star along. 1.9'' separation. A real bonus. I moved on to Castor and Kappa Gem via the Eskimo. I like double stars more and more.

After that, Leo was travelling across my view. Light pollution is noticeably worse this year but I tried for the galaxies M105 M95 and M96. The background was almost white but I just about found them right on the edge of vision. Very light grey on a light grey background. It felt like a different game altogether from double stars but I was excited about the spring challenges that lie ahead.

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Nice report Dom. I never tire of looking at the Auriga clusters and M35 is lovely as you say. I’ve not done too many doubles in Gemini but regularly visit Castor when I can. It’s been a while since I looked at Wasat so I’ll have a try for that next time out.

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Lovely, I was in there to last night, always engaging roaming through the Auriga clusters. They provide a time line, from when I first started out with a copy of Turn Left at Orion in my backyard and an old C8, to now mostly at dark(er) sites, still get the same rush of excitement. 

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21 minutes ago, scarp15 said:

Lovely, I was in there to last night, always engaging roaming through the Auriga clusters. They provide a time line, from when I first started out with a copy of Turn Left at Orion in my backyard and an old C8, to now mostly at dark(er) sites, still get the same rush of excitement. 

All scopes must have been in the same place😀 love the Auriga clusters too

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The Auriga clusters are magnificent. When I'm on the balcony I can only get the most Eastern one. It's warm enough to get to a less obstructed place now but, alas, I might be stuck at home this spring. We're not supposed to leave our home (with a number of exceptions). I'd probably be OK alone outside at night but not sure about risking a large fine. It's a shame- doubles are fine but I'd like to go somewhere darker for galaxy season.


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2 minutes ago, domstar said:

The Auriga clusters are magnificent. When I'm on the balcony I can only get the most Eastern one. It's warm enough to get to a less obstructed place now but, alas, I might be stuck at home this spring. We're not supposed to leave our home (with a number of exceptions). I'd probably be OK alone outside at night but not sure about risking a large fine. It's a shame- doubles are fine but I'd like to go somewhere darker for galaxy season.


Feel for you but Auriga will be there in future years, need to make sure we are too, all in this together

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