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New Dobsonian User Questions...


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I got a new telescope today, the Sky-Watcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian. I have a couple of questions. 

Firstly, how tight or loose does the pan left and right bolt need to be? Secondly, can the whole assembled telescope and mount be carried short distances just using the tension handles? 

Thanks in advance. 

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I have the same scope and my hand made platform trolley is perfect for moving it around. As for the centre bolt it is a matter of preference, normally tight enough to stay put but loose enough to move easily.

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As for the centre bolt, it is a never-ending odyssey to find the exact point of best ‘stiction’! 😱

I have carried my 150 Skywatcher Dob by the tension handles without any damage to the kit ... but often skelped my shins! It’s an awkward load so now I usually split before setting up.

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It is fine to carry by the handles. I have done this from the house to the garden and back again many times. Just be carefull not to bash your shins. With regards the centre bolt for the pan left and right as you put it, just tighten it enough that the base does not swivel around too easily but agin does not require a lot of effort to move it. There is a fine balance between it being too loose and too tight. Many people have found though that the base does not swivel around very smoothly. There are a number of modifications that can be done to rectify this. These include using washers made from olastic milk cartons to fitting a lazy susan bearing.

I will post a link to some modifications i have made to mine including fitting electronic encoders to help find deep sky objects.

Here it is.


Edited by Chefgage
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