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This isn't an APO - you mean this scope?


I have the Skymax 127 and the Skymax 180 - and OH MY GOD - they are fantastic.

The focuser on the 180 is better than the 127 - but I've heard reports the other way round. But I could live with either.

As for weight, the 127 is as light as a feather, the 180 is much heavier.

From what I can make out (having little time out with the scopes myself yet) these scopes are really one trick ponies. They are excellent at the moon and planets - but that's it.

Hope that helps.


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Hi - I have this scope mounted on a manual eq5. I think it's a great scope, esp. for Moon, planets, double stars, globulars etc, anything fairly bright and compact. The scope itself is easy to handle. The focuser is OK, but there is some mirror shift, but it's not a major problem, except at high mags. I use a helical focuser which gives a very smooth accurate response, once the main focus is done with the in-built focuser.

I would highly recommend the scope if you want to look at the types of objects above.


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Have you considered the Celelestron C6 SCT in this price range?

I used to have the Skymax 150, but after a head to head with a Celestron C6 I sold the 150 and bought a C6. The C6 has better optical coatings and so gives a brighter image and has a slight edge in contrast, and the C6 OTA is so much lighter, nearly half the weight. Also it cools down in about half the time.

It basically came down to the weight and cooldown advantage as the two OTAs were so close in performance. You can get away with a much lighter mount.

And I'm not biased against MAKs, I have a OO140C Deluxe 1/8 PV Carbon Tube mak arriving tomorrow.


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I've just picked up a Skymax 150 and all I've managed to do so far is align the finder! From a basic daytime play with it, my example does have a smidgen of focus shift. It's not as bad as my old Celestron newtonian R&P focuser but not as good as a Crayford. Comparing it to my old Intes MK66 Mak-Cass, it probably won't have the flat field like the Intes but I'm hoping to use my Meade 6.3 reducer (bringing it down to about f7.5 or so) with it which also corrects the field so I'm hoping this is an actual advantage in this case :(.

First clear night, I'll let you know how it performs. So expect something around March-time!


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