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First White Light


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First light today for my new Baader Herschel wedge. Grabbed an hour before the sun disappeared behind my neighbour's trees. Really enjoyed being out in the day. The seeing seemed pretty poor but I saw a bright area near the southern limb in moments of steadier air which was interesting. Faculae? Not 100% sure of the terminology yet.

Mainly used a pair of 20mm TV plossls with the FOA-60Q and a 2.6x GPC which gives about 115x. Can't wait for my first sun spot :)

As expected the FC-76DC doesn't have enough back focus for the wedge and binoviewer, but the FS-152 should. 

Nice to be able to look online at a current image of the sun to check what I am seeing.



Edited by astro_al
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Nice one Al. I was doing exactly the same thing. Managed to mow the lawn which bought me enough brownie points for a bit of Solar 😉. Tried the Telementor but it wouldn't come to focus so I grabbed the Tak. Stuck to low power, x59 as the seeing wasn't great. Saw the same patch of faculae you did, plus granulation was quite clear with different swirling patterns coming and going with the seeing.


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I also saw the patterns of granulation here and there. Thought my eyes were playing tricks at first. Interesting stuff.

I would love to be able to use my FC-76 - I bet your FC-100 works well.


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45 minutes ago, astro_al said:

I also saw the patterns of granulation here and there. Thought my eyes were playing tricks at first. Interesting stuff.

I would love to be able to my FC-76 - I bet your FC-100 works well.


Does your FC-76DC have a split tube? if so, you can maybe get a shorter back section which will allow you more inwards focus. I think it is the tube from the FS60CSV (which fits the split tube 76DC as they are the same diameter and thread)

Yes, the FC100DC is lovely for white light solar.

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Unfortunately not. The DCU wasn't around when I bought the DC and I wasn't dependent on binoviewers back then either.

Based on using the FOA-60Q today I estimate that the wedge, binoviewer and 2.6x GPC require 134mm of back focus. I could get that down to 129mm by using a 5mm extension instead of a 10mm one. The extension is needed to stop the GPC from hitting the ND3.0 filter. This leaves me 5mm away from reaching focus with the FC-76, at least on paper and assuming my maths is correct. Probably 10-15mm to be safe.

The Feathertouch replacement focuser should get me there, but it is an expensive upgrade.




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It's a Zeiss microscope head converted by Denis Levatić. I have been using it for the last few years and it has been great. Only negative is the internal reflections when viewing the moon due to its brightness - I think this is a recent problem since I re-attached the bayonet fitting after it sheared off. I will be looking to get the Maxbright II when it comes out.


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It is. I am a bit paranoid since the binoviewer separated from its bayonet fitting and hit the floor. Luckily the scope was already on the floor waiting to go on the mount so it didn’t fall far. I reattached the bayonet with epoxy resin but you never know, so I added a state-of-the-art piece of string just in case 🤣

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I have learned through hard experience that if you have the binoviewer angled over to one side for easier viewing, makes sure it is acting to tighten the thread on the barrel connection, not undo it. Mine swung down quite dramatically once, I was saved by a good click lock connection holding the binoviewer in. Worth taking care. Observing on grass always helps!

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