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Lunar imaging Help please guys

Dave Moulton

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Ok guys I could do with some top Registax tips for processing Lunar pics.

This is one of my first attempts with my Luminera 075m. Which cost an arm and both legs , so hopefully I should be able to improve on this mediocre effort with the right guidance.

This was taken through a WO 110 Megrez I have another option a Meade 10” SCT which I will have a bash with at some stage.

I could also do with some tips on image acquisition as I am struggling to get past 27frames per second. My laptop is a bit slow 1.6mhz Centrino with 2 Gigs of ram but the hard drive in not the fastest which could be a bottleneck. I was wondering if an external USB Drive would speed things up.

Anyway any pearls of wisdom on this would be appreciated




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Dave, that's not a bad image at all. All I can say is that preparation is the key, the more time you spend on focusing the better. I try and get about 3000 frames (usually in 2 X 1500 frame avi files) and select the best 300 or so. :(

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