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Good to be back!

Geoff Barnes

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Aaah, so good to be back in the game again!

It's summer here of course so not fully dark until late, but signs now of the evenings starting to draw in and dark by 9pm at which time our old friend Orion is clearing the tree tops .

Just an hour or so under the stars in perfect warm, still conditions, even Sirius wasn't twinkling at all.

No point messing around, within the first 10 minutes I had bagged Sirius Pup, Rigel B, and Orion Trapezium E and F.

Had a bit of fun splitting a few doubles and spotting a few globular clusters as well, the highlight being the 37 Cluster which was really showing well.

Could have stayed out much longer but alas work beckons in the morning but at least my viewing sessions are under way again at last. :) 

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Splendid. You know what it is like, you don’t notice people not being around but I remember you from a little while back, I hope all is ok.

How are your skies down south due to the fires? Terrible thing, I watched on in horror. I have family in Melbourne and have visited that great city. Next few years I will be heading south, do you have any Astro advice? I did think about a week in Taz?


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Hi @Marvin Jenkins I'm always on here having a look but haven't had the scope out for about 3 months what with summer light and of course a lot of smoke in the air from the fires. Much cleaner air now after lots of welcome rain recently and the viewing last night was as good as I've ever had from home.

Astro advice for down here? Good grief, where to begin! Some of the truly great heavenly sights await you with highlights such as the Carina and Tarantula Nebulas, Omega Centauri and 37 Tucanae Globular Clusters, Crux the Southern Cross with its Jewel Box Cluster.

Tassie is a wonderful place to visit, still full of remote and unspoilt wilderness areas where dark skies abound.

Have fun! :) 


Edited by Geoff Barnes
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Good to see you back in action observing-wise Geoff :smiley:

I hope Marvin gets better luck than I did when I visited Oz in November 2018. Great trip and weather generally but out of the 27 days we were there I got just a couple of clear nights !

Did manage to see a few of the southern sights with my binoculars but plenty more left over for another trip :smiley:

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Just setting up again at 8.30pm as the sun is setting. A balmy 25 degrees and clear as a bell, something rather pleasant about observing in t-shirt and shorts!

I'm determined to get my first ever view of Uranus tonight, narrow window of opportunity before it goes behind the trees following the crescent moon, but should get half an hour on it and will give it up to 300x and see what I can see. :)


Edit: Did I see Uranus? Not sure to be honest, sky was still too bright at first and then got called in for dinner and by the time I got back out I could see a dim object but not really blue or green and then behind the trees it went.

Hmm, will have to try again from a better position to see it later when the sky is darker.

Consoled myself with a good look at 45 Tuc, surely the best globular cluster bar none. :) 

Edited by Geoff Barnes
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