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B33 - The Horsehead Nebula


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I managed to get this, before everything iced up at 01:00 last night! It was -2c.

Orion was very low in the sky when I finished, and I only had time for 15 x 7 minute exposures. The image is a bit noisy as a result.

I have cropped it slightly to reduce the glare from the bright star Alnitak.

15 x 420s lights, 12 darks, 25 flats, 25 Bias. Total exposure time 1h 45m.

Just added a corrected version!



Edited by Taman
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17 minutes ago, astroman001 said:

Yes, I think you have the image back to front.


The funny thing is, if I stack it in DSS, it comes out the "correct" way around. This was stacked with Siril, which seems to invert the image. 

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16 minutes ago, Ruud said:

Unusual. It's like the bow of a black Viking ship emerging from the fog. Never saw it like that.

A wonderful image.

Thanks Ruud! This is certainly worth getting more light time.

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23 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

Nice image! I wish my first image of this target had been this good.

Interesting inasmuch that all the previous images I've seen indicate the horse is looking the other way! :)


Thanks Adrian, blame Siril! 😀

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